zhuzilin's Blog


6.828 lab2 Memory Management

date: 2019-02-24
tags: OS  6.828  

Part 1: Physical Page Management

写一个physical page allocator。注意分配出来的pages就是表示了整个物理内存,但是记录的是每个page对应的虚拟地址。用物理地址来找到对应的page,然后用这个page的虚拟地址来得到其实际存的东西。


virtual address

Exercise 1


mem_init() (only up to the call to check_page_free_list(1))


// This simple physical memory allocator is used only while JOS is setting
// up its virtual memory system.  page_alloc() is the real allocator.
// If n>0, allocates enough pages of contiguous physical memory to hold 'n'
// bytes.  Doesn't initialize the memory.  Returns a kernel virtual address.
// If n==0, returns the address of the next free page without allocating
// anything.
// If we're out of memory, boot_alloc should panic.
// This function may ONLY be used during initialization,
// before the page_free_list list has been set up.
static void *
boot_alloc(uint32_t n)
	static char *nextfree;	// virtual address of next byte of free memory
	char *result;

	// Initialize nextfree if this is the first time.
	// 'end' is a magic symbol automatically generated by the linker,
	// which points to the end of the kernel's bss segment:
	// the first virtual address that the linker did *not* assign
	// to any kernel code or global variables.
	if (!nextfree) {
		extern char end[];
		nextfree = ROUNDUP((char *) end, PGSIZE);

	// Allocate a chunk large enough to hold 'n' bytes, then update
	// nextfree.  Make sure nextfree is kept aligned
	// to a multiple of PGSIZE.
	// LAB 2: Your code here.
  if(n == 0)
    return nextfree;
  result = nextfree;
  nextfree += ROUNDUP(n, PGSIZE);
	return result;


之后是mem_init(),注意这个函数只设置好kernel部分的内存。mem_init先分配了kernel的page directory。

// Allocate an array of npages 'struct PageInfo's and store it in 'pages'.
// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct PageInfo in this
// array.  'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory.  Use memset
// to initialize all fields of each struct PageInfo to 0.
// Your code goes here:
  pages = (struct PageInfo *)boot_alloc(sizeof(struct PageInfo)*npages);
  memset(pages, 0, sizeof(struct PageInfo)*npages);


 * Page descriptor structures, mapped at UPAGES.
 * Read/write to the kernel, read-only to user programs.
 * Each struct PageInfo stores metadata for one physical page.
 * Is it NOT the physical page itself, but there is a one-to-one
 * correspondence between physical pages and struct PageInfo's.
 * You can map a struct PageInfo * to the corresponding physical address
 * with page2pa() in kern/pmap.h.
struct PageInfo {
	// Next page on the free list.
	struct PageInfo *pp_link;

	// pp_ref is the count of pointers (usually in page table entries)
	// to this page, for pages allocated using page_alloc.
	// Pages allocated at boot time using pmap.c's
	// boot_alloc do not have valid reference count fields.

	uint16_t pp_ref;

这个结构记录了一个page的meta data,其中保存了下一个free page的地址与这个page被ref的次数。而实际page的物理内存,用其和pages这个变量的地址的距离来衡量,之后用到的page2kva会看到。


// Initialize page structure and memory free list.
// After this is done, NEVER use boot_alloc again.  ONLY use the page
// allocator functions below to allocate and deallocate physical
// memory via the page_free_list.
	// The example code here marks all physical pages as free.
	// However this is not truly the case.  What memory is free?
	//  1) Mark physical page 0 as in use.
	//     This way we preserve the real-mode IDT and BIOS structures
	//     in case we ever need them.  (Currently we don't, but...)
	//  2) The rest of base memory, [PGSIZE, npages_basemem * PGSIZE)
	//     is free.
	//  3) Then comes the IO hole [IOPHYSMEM, EXTPHYSMEM), which must
	//     never be allocated.
	//  4) Then extended memory [EXTPHYSMEM, ...).
	//     Some of it is in use, some is free. Where is the kernel
	//     in physical memory?  Which pages are already in use for
	//     page tables and other data structures?
	// Change the code to reflect this.
	// NB: DO NOT actually touch the physical memory corresponding to
	// free pages!
	size_t i;
	for (i = 1; i < npages_basemem; i++) {
		pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
		pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
		page_free_list = &pages[i];
  for(i = PADDR(boot_alloc(0))/PGSIZE; i < npages; i++) {
    pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
	pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
	page_free_list = &pages[i];

因为kernel是分配在extended memory里面,加上mem_init的前面分配的page dir以及相关的内存,所以后一部分应该跳过这些地方。然后PADDR就是把kernel里面的VA转化为PA。


// Allocates a physical page.  If (alloc_flags & ALLOC_ZERO), fills the entire
// returned physical page with '\0' bytes.  Does NOT increment the reference
// count of the page - the caller must do these if necessary (either explicitly
// or via page_insert).
// Be sure to set the pp_link field of the allocated page to NULL so
// page_free can check for double-free bugs.
// Returns NULL if out of free memory.
// Hint: use page2kva and memset
struct PageInfo *
page_alloc(int alloc_flags)
	// Fill this function in
  struct PageInfo *ret = page_free_list;
    return NULL;
  page_free_list = ret->pp_link;
  ret->pp_link = NULL;
  if(alloc_flags & ALLOC_ZERO)
    memset(page2kva(ret), 0, PGSIZE);
	return ret;

注意这里面的page2kva函数是把一个page的PageInfo地址转化为其对应的kernel VA,具体的做法就是看pp是pages后面的第几个PageInfo,然后这个序号就是这个page的物理内存的前20位,因为是对齐的,所以后12位都是0,得到这个物理地址之后,加KERNBASE就找到了这个page的物虚拟内存。注意这里把取出来的ret的后面变为空了,这个举动单纯就是用来在page_free里面进行检查的。


// Return a page to the free list.
// (This function should only be called when pp->pp_ref reaches 0.)
page_free(struct PageInfo *pp)
	// Fill this function in
	// Hint: You may want to panic if pp->pp_ref is nonzero or
	// pp->pp_link is not NULL.
  if(pp->pp_ref || pp->pp_link)
    panic("pp free error.");
  pp->pp_link = page_free_list;
  page_free_list = pp;


check_page_free_list() succeeded!
check_page_alloc() succeeded!

Part 2: Virtual Memory

Exercise 2


Virtual, Linear, and Physical Addresses

           Selector  +--------------+         +-----------+
          ---------->|              |         |           |
                     | Segmentation |         |  Paging   |
Software             |              |-------->|           |---------->  RAM
            Offset   |  Mechanism   |         | Mechanism |
          ---------->|              |         |           |
                     +--------------+         +-----------+
            Virtual                   Linear                Physical

在x86里面,虚拟内存由segment selector和offset within the segment组成。linear address是先用segment translation解释过的结果,之后再通过page translation得到物理内存。

一个C语言中的指针实际上是offset,在boot/boot.S里面,我们用Global Descriptor Table(GDT)来有效的把segment selector给废了

  SEG_NULL				# null seg
  SEG(STA_X|STA_R, 0x0, 0xffffffff)	# code seg
  SEG(STA_W, 0x0, 0xffffffff)	        # data seg

所以linear address在JOS中就是等于offset。在lab 3中我们可能会设置一点segmentation以设置隐私等级,但是对于内存翻译,在JOS中我们可以忽略segmentation mechanism并只考虑page translation。

回忆在lab 1的part3,我们使用在kern/entrypgdir.c硬编码的一个page table来把物理内存中前4MB的内存进行了映射,从而让kernel能够从0xf0100000开始运行,即使其实际上是在0x00100000的物理内存加载的。我们现在就会映射整个的256MB的物理内存,从虚拟内存0xf0000000开始,并映射到一些位置。

Exercise 3


之前在boot.S我们提到过protected mode,就是在这个文件里头做的第一件事。所有的内存引用都会被翻译为虚拟内存,之后用MMU翻译为物理内存。所以说所有C中的指针都是虚拟地址。



C type Address type
T* Virtual
uintptr_t Virtual
physaddr_t Physical

JOS kernel经常需要读写只知道物理地址的内存。比如说,mapping a page table可能需要分配物理内存来存储page directory,并对应的呃呃你存。但是kernel不能bypass virtual address translation,所以不能直接load and store物理内存。JOS把所有的从0开始的物理内存映射到从0xf0000000开始的虚拟内存是为了帮助kernel读写其只知道物理地址的内存。也就是直接把物理内存加0xf0000000从而转化为对应的虚拟内存。应该用KADDR(pa)


Reference counting

之后的lab,经常会需要把同一个物理地址同时转化为多个虚拟内存。那么就需要对引用进行计数,这也就是PageInfo中的pp_ref。当这个值为0的时候就可以释放掉了(就像垃圾回收)。换句话说,这个值应该是UTOP下面所有的page tables提及到总次数(UTOP上的内存一般都是kernel相关的,一般都不会释放了,所以不需要对他们计数)。我们也需要记录指向page directory pages的指针数,同时page directory指向page table pages的引用数。


Page Table Management

Exercise 4




pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
	// Fill this function in
  pde_t *pde = &pgdir[PDX(va)];
  if(!(*pde & PTE_P)) {
      return NULL;
    struct PageInfo *pgtab = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO);
      return NULL;
    *pde = page2pa(pgtab) | PTE_P | PTE_U | PTE_W;
	return (pte_t*)(KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pde))) + PTX(va);

这里面的主要逻辑是先用前10位找到va对应的pde,如果需要创建,那么就创建创建一个page,并且把这个page的地址前12位去掉(这就是page2pa干的事),然后把空出来的那12位附上值,给pde对应的值付为这个page对应的page table的地址。最后正常的返回。


// Map [va, va+size) of virtual address space to physical [pa, pa+size)
// in the page table rooted at pgdir.  Size is a multiple of PGSIZE, and
// va and pa are both page-aligned.
// Use permission bits perm|PTE_P for the entries.
// This function is only intended to set up the ``static'' mappings
// above UTOP. As such, it should *not* change the pp_ref field on the
// mapped pages.
// Hint: the TA solution uses pgdir_walk
static void
boot_map_region(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va, size_t size, physaddr_t pa, int perm)
	// Fill this function in
  for(uint32_t i=0; i<size; i+=PGSIZE) {
    pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, (const void *)va, true);
    *pte = pa | perm | PTE_P;
    va += PGSIZE;
    pa += PGSIZE;

注意这里面va, pa都是相关于PGSIZE对齐了的,也就是只剩下了20位。


page_insert(pde_t *pgdir, struct PageInfo *pp, void *va, int perm)
	// Fill this function in
  pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, true);
    return -E_NO_MEM;
  if(*pte & PTE_P)
    page_remove(pgdir, va);
  *pte = page2pa(pp) | perm | PTE_P;
  return 0;



struct PageInfo *
page_lookup(pde_t *pgdir, void *va, pte_t **pte_store)
  // Fill this function in
  pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, false);
  if(!pte || !(*pte & PTE_P))
    return NULL;
    *pte_store = pte;
  return pa2page(PTE_ADDR(*pte));



page_remove(pde_t *pgdir, void *va)
  // Fill this function in
  pte_t *pte = NULL;
  struct PageInfo *pp = pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, &pte);
  *pte = 0;
  tlb_invalidate(pgdir, va);

这里面不太好理解的是最后的这个tlb_invalidate,这个函数是调用再x86.h中的invlpg函数,也就是汇编中的invlpg指令,详细的理解可以看这里,大致就是会刷新Translation Lookaside Buffer(TLB),其缓存了线性地址到物理地址的映射关系。


check_page_free_list() succeeded!
check_page_alloc() succeeded!
check_page() succeeded!

Part 3: Kernel Address Space

JOS把32位的线性地址分为两个部分。User environments(进程),会控制lower part的layout和content,而kernel会对应upper part。这两者的分界线是inc/memlayout.h中的ULIM。大约给kernel保存了256MB。This explains why we needed to give the kernel such a high link address in lab 1: otherwise there would not be enough room in the kernel's virtual address space to map in a user environment below it at the same time.(这个this is why没明白)。

Permissions and Fault Isolation

User environment对于ULIM之下有访问权限。而对于[UTOP, ULIM)之间的内存,是kernel 与user environment有相同的权限,可读不可写。这部分是用来把kernel中的一部分信息给user。最下面的部分就是给user的,user可以自己设置权限。

Initializing the Kernel Address Space


Exercise 5

	// Now we set up virtual memory

	// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES
	// Permissions:
	//    - the new image at UPAGES -- kernel R, user R
	//      (ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P)
	//    - pages itself -- kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
  boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, PTSIZE, PADDR(pages), PTE_U | PTE_P);
	// Use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
	// stack.  The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
	// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP)
	// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory
	//     * [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE) -- not backed; so if
	//       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
	//       overwrite memory.  Known as a "guard page".
	//     Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
  boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTKSIZE, PADDR(bootstack), PTE_W | PTE_P);
	// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE.
	// Ie.  the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to
	//      the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)
	// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but
	// we just set up the mapping anyway.
	// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
	// Your code goes here:
  boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, KERNBASE, 0x10000000, 0, PTE_W | PTE_P);



check_page_free_list() succeeded!
check_page_alloc() succeeded!
check_page() succeeded!
check_kern_pgdir() succeeded!
check_page_free_list() succeeded!
check_page_installed_pgdir() succeeded!


Address Space Layout Alternatives

本次用的这种映射的layout不是唯一解。比如也可以是kernel在low linear address,而user在upper。不过x86一般不这么做,原因是为了和8086有backward-compatibility。



running JOS: (0.5s)
  Physical page allocator: OK
  Page management: OK
  Kernel page directory: OK
  Page management 2: OK
Score: 70/70