zhuzilin's Blog


About Linear Regression

date: 2019-02-13
tags: machine-learning  

This semester, all three of my courses mentioned linear regression. And I believe it would be nice to summarize it.

For linear regression, we will use a linear model to fit yy, which is

xyif(xi;w)=w0+j=1dxijwjxy_i\approx f(x_i;w) = w_0 + \sum_{j=1}^d{x_{ij}w_j}

where xRdx\in R^d and yRy \in R.

Least Square LR

Model definition

And for the least square linear regression, as the name suggested, has a least square object:

wLS=argminwi=1n(yif(xi;w))2argminwLw_{LS} = arg\min_w \sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-f(x_i;w))^2\equiv arg\min_w L

Till now, we believe there is a linear relationship between xix_i and yiy_i

yi=w0+j=1dxijwj+ϵiy_i = w_0 + \sum_{j=1}^d{x_{ij}w_j} + \epsilon_i

And we want to minimize


And we can use matrix to simplify the denotation (To make it simple, we would add a 1 to the first row).

xi=[1xi1xi2...xid](d+1)×1x_i= \left[ {\begin{array}{c} 1\\ x_{i1}\\ x_{i2}\\ ...\\ x_{id} \end{array} } \right]_{(d+1)\times1}

And the data could be represent as one matrix

X=[1x11...x1d1x21...x2d1xn1...xnd]n×(d+1)=[1x1T1x2T1xnT]n×(d+1)X = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} 1 & x_{11} & ... & x_{1d}\\ 1 & x_{21} & ... & x_{2d}\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots\\ 1 & x_{n1} & ... & x_{nd} \end{array} } \right]_{n\times (d+1)} = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} 1&- x_1^T-\\ 1&- x_2^T-\\ \vdots&\vdots\\ 1&- x_n^T- \end{array} } \right]_{n\times (d+1)}

And also for ww

w=[w0w1wd](d+1)×1w = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} w_0 \\ w_1 \\ \vdots \\ w_d \end{array} } \right]_{(d+1)\times1}

For now, let's assume that d<nd<n.

And the vector version of LR becomes:

L=i=1n(yixiTw)2=yXw2=(yXw)T(yXw)L=\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-x_i^T w)^2=||y-Xw||^2=(y-Xw)^T(y-Xw)

And the derivative would be:

wL=2XTXw2XTy=0wLS=(XTX)1XTy\nabla_wL=2X^TXw-2X^Ty=0 \Rightarrow w_{LS}=(X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty

How to calculate matrix derivation is here

And the prediction is

ynewxnewTwLSy_{new} \approx x_{new}^Tw_{LS}

Solution Existence

When XTXX^TX is a full rank matrix, which means, XX has at least d+1d+1 linear independent row, the solution exists.

And for polynomial regression, we could just take them as extra column for XX. More generally, we could use the kernel method:

yif(xi,w)=s=1Sgs(xi)wsy_i \approx f(x_i, w)=\sum_{s=1}^Sg_s(x_i)w_s

As long as the function is linear on ww, the solution will always be (XTX)1XTy(X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty.

Geometric interpretation

The columns of XX define a d+1d + 1-dimensional subspace in the higher dimensional RnR^n. The closest point in that subspace is the orthonormal projection of y into the column space of XX.

Probabilistic interpretation


p(yμ,σ2I)=N(μ=Xw,σ2I)p(y|\mu, \sigma^2I)=N(\mu=Xw, \sigma^2I)

Then the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator would be

wML=argmaxwlnp(yXw,σ2I)=argminwyXw2w_{ML}=arg\max_w \ln{p(y|Xw, \sigma^2I)}=arg\min_w ||y-Xw||^2

Therefore, using least square is making an independent Gaussian noise assumption about error.

And also from this probabilistic assumption


wMLw_{ML} is unbiased. And similarly we could calculate the variance:


Therefore, when σ2(XTX)1\sigma^2(X^TX)^{-1} is large, wMLw_{ML} may be huge. And to prevent this, we need to introduce regularization.

Ridge Regression

For the general linear regression with regularization, the model is

wLS=argminwyXw2+λg(w)w_{LS} = arg\min_w ||y-Xw||^2+\lambda g(w)

where λ>=0\lambda>=0, g(w)>=0g(w)>=0.

And ridge regression is one of them,

wLS=argminwyXw2+λw2w_{LS} = arg\min_w ||y-Xw||^2+\lambda ||w||^2

And we could solve the answer

L=yXw2+λw2=(yXw)T(yXw)+λwTwL=||y-Xw||^2+\lambda||w||^2=(y-Xw)^T(y-Xw)+\lambda w^Tw wRR=(λI+XTX)1XTyw_{RR} = (\lambda I+X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty

There is a tradeoff between square error and penalty on the size of ww.




where Z=(I+λ(XTX)1)1Z=(I+\lambda(X^TX)^{-1})^{-1}.

RR gives us a solution that is biased, but has lower variance than LS.

Data preprocessing

For ridge regression, we assume the following preprocessing:

  1. The mean is subtracted off of y
yy1ni=1nyiy\leftarrow y-\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n y_i
  1. The dimension of xix_i have been standardized before constructing XX:
xij(xijxˉ.j)/σ^jx_{ij}\leftarrow (x_{ij}-\bar{x}_{.j})/\hat{\sigma}_j
  1. We can show that there is no need for the dimension of 1's in this case.

Probabilistic interpretation

If we set the prior distribution for ww as wN(0,λ1I)w\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \lambda^{-1}I), then


And to maximize a posteriori (MAP) estimation:

wMAP=argmaxwlnp(wy,X)=argmaxwlnp(yw,X)p(w)p(yX)=argmaxwlnp(yw,X)+lnp(w)lnp(yX)=argmaxw12σ2(yXw)T(yXw)λ2wTw+const.=(λσ2I+XTX)1XTy\begin{aligned} w_{MAP}&=arg\max_w \ln{p(w|y, X)}\\ &=arg\max_w \ln{\frac{p(y|w,X)p(w)}{p(y|X)}}\\ &=arg\max_w \ln{p(y|w,X)}+\ln{p(w)}-\ln{p(y|X)}\\ &=arg\max_w -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(y-Xw)^T(y-Xw)-\frac{\lambda}{2}w^Tw+const.\\ &=(\lambda\sigma^2I+X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty \end{aligned}

which is wRRw_RR (we could set λσ2\lambda\sigma^2 as λ\lambda).

Therefore, RR maximize the posterior.


For n×dn\times d matrix XX (assume n>dn> d), we could do singular value decomposition to it



  1. UU: n×dn\times d and orthonormal in the columns, i.e. UTU=IU^TU=I
  2. SS: d×dd\times d non-negative diagonal matrix , i.e. Sii>=0S_{ii}>=0 and Sij=0S_{ij}=0 for iji\neq j
  3. VV: d×dd\times d and orthonormal, i.e. VTV=VVT=IV^TV=VV^T=I

We have





Sλ1=[S11λ+S11200Sddλ+Sdd2]S_{\lambda}^{-1} = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} \frac{S_{11}}{\lambda+S_{11}^2} & & 0\\ & \ddots & \\ 0 & & \frac{S_{dd}}{\lambda+S_{dd}^2} \end{array} } \right]

And define the degrees of freedom as:

df(λ)=tr[X(XTX+λI)1XT]=i=1dSii2λ+Sii2df(\lambda)=tr[X(X^TX+\lambda I)^{-1}X^T]=\sum_{i=1}^d\frac{S_{ii}^2}{\lambda+S_{ii}^2}

If λ=0\lambda=0, df=ddf=d, which is the dimension of the data and if λ\lambda\rightarrow\infty, df=0df=0. Therefore we could observe how each value in ww changes. Here is an example from ESL

degree of freedom

Bias-Variance for linear regression

E[(y0x0Tw^)2X,x0]=E[y02]2x0TE[y0w^]+x0TE[w^w^T]x0=(σ2+(x0Tw)2)0+x0T(Var[w^]+E[w^]E[w^]T)x0=σ2+x0T(wE[w^])(wE[w^])T)x0+x0TVar[w^]x0=noise+square bias+variance\begin{aligned} E[(y_0-x_0^T\hat{w})^2|X, x_0] &= E[y_0^2]-2x_0^TE[y_0\hat{w}]+x_0^TE[\hat{w}\hat{w}^T]x_0 \\ &=(\sigma^2+(x_0^Tw)^2)-0+x_0^T(Var[\hat{w}]+E[\hat{w}]E[\hat{w}]^T)x_0\\ &=\sigma^2+x_0^T(w-E[\hat{w}])(w-E[\hat{w}])^T)x_0+x_0^TVar[\hat{w}]x_0\\ &=noise+square\ bias+variance \end{aligned}

Active Learning

If we can only measure for limited extra times, for example, 5 times more, then how could we best utilize them?

We need to measure the value that we are least sure about, which is the value with the maximal variance.

  1. Form predictive distribution p(y0x0,y,X)forallunmeasuredp(y_0|x_0, y, X) for all unmeasuredx_0 \in D$
  2. Pick the x0x_0 for which σ02\sigma_0^2 is largest and measure y0y_0
  3. Update the posterior p(wy;X)p(w|y; X) where y(y;y0)y\leftarrow(y; y_0) and X(X;x0)X \leftarrow (X; x_0)
  4. Return to #1 using the updated posterior

And for LR, it is maximizing x0TΣx0x_0^T\Sigma x_0.

In fact, this process is minimizing the entropy, which is

H(p)=p(z)lnp(z)dzH(p)=-\int p(z)\ln p(z)dz

And the entropy for multivariate Gaussian is:

H(N(wμ,Σ))=12ln((2πe)dΣ)H(N(w|\mu, \Sigma))=\frac{1}{2}\ln((2\pi e)^d|\Sigma|)

And adding x0x_0 would make the variance increase by

(λI+σ2XTX)1Σ(λI+σ2(x0x0TXTX))1(Σ1+σ2x0x0T)1(\lambda I+\sigma^{-2}X^TX)^{-1}\equiv\Sigma \Rightarrow (\lambda I+\sigma^{-2}(x_0x_0^TX^TX))^{-1}\equiv(\Sigma^{-1}+\sigma^{-2}x_0x_0^T)^{-1}

And the change in entropy is:

Hpost=Hpriord2ln(1+σ2x0TΣx0)H_{post}=H_{prior}-\frac{d}{2}\ln(1+\sigma^{-2}x_0^T\Sigma x_0)

Hence, this method is a greedy algorithm to minimize entropy.

Undetermined Linear Equations

If there are more dimensions than observations, i.e. dnd \gg n. And now ww has an infinite number of solutions satisfying y=Xwy = Xw.

[y]=[X][w]\left[ {\begin{array}{c} \\ y\\ \\ \end{array} } \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} &&&&&&&&&&\\ &&&&&X&&&&&\\ &&&&&&&&&&\\ \end{array} } \right] \left[ {\begin{array}{c} &&\\ &&\\ &&\\ &&\\ &w&\\ &&\\ &&\\ &&\\ && \end{array} } \right]

Least Norm

One possible solution is

wln=XT(XXT)1yXwln=yw_{ln}=X^T(XX^T)^{-1}y \Rightarrow Xw_{ln}=y

We can show that wlnw_{ln} is the one with smallest l2l_2 norm.

Proof: If there is another solution ww , we have X(wwln)=0X(w-w_{ln})=0. Also,

(wwln)Twln=(wwln)TXT(XXT)1y=(X(wwln))T(XXT)1y=0\begin{aligned} (w-w_{ln})^Tw_{ln}&=(w-w_{ln})^TX^T(XX^T)^{-1}y\\ &=(X(w-w_{ln}))^T(XX^T)^{-1}y=0 \end{aligned}

And this orthogonal relation gives us


Lagrange Multiplier

Introduce Lagrange multipliers:

L(w,η)=wTw+ηT(Xwy)L(w, \eta)=w^Tw+\eta^T(Xw-y)

We will maximize over η\eta and minimize over ww. (So much like how to derive the dual form for linear programming!). And this would force Xw=yXw=y.

And the optimality gives us

wL=2w+XTη=0,ηL=Xwy=0\nabla_wL=2w+X^T\eta=0, \nabla_\eta L=Xw-y=0
  1. From the first condition we have: w=XTη/2w=-X^T\eta/2
  2. Plug #1 into second condition to find: η=2(XXT)1y\eta=-2(XX^T)^{-1}y
  3. Plug #2 back into #1 to find: wln=XT(XXT)1yw_{ln}=X^T(XX^T)^{-1}y


LS and RR are not suited for high-dimensional data, because:

  • They weight all dimensions without favoring subsets of dimensions.
  • The unknown “important” dimensions are mixed in with irrelevant ones.
  • They generalize poorly to new data, weights may not be interpretable.
  • LS solution not unique when d > n, meaning no unique predictions.

One intuition why RR is not good for high dimensional data is that the quadratic penalty will reduce more when reducing the larger terms, and will leave all terms of ww small but not 0.

And to find a sparse solution (solution with many 0s), we need to use a linear penalty term. And that is why we introduce LASSO.

Model definition


where w1=i=1dwj||w||_1=\sum_{i=1}^d|w_j|.

With this penalty, the cost reduction does not depend on the magnitude of wjw_j, which helps to get a sparse solution.

lasso degrees of freedom

From the above figure, we could observe that with the increasing of λ\lambda, which is the decreasing of df(λ)df(\lambda), the weight will goes to 0 and will stay at 0. (In some special case, they may leave 0, but it's rare).

And more generally speaking, there is lpl_p regression, where p=1p=1 is LASSO and p=2p=2 is RR. And notice when p<1p<1, the penalty is no longer convex and we cannot get an global optimum.

Greedy Sparse Regression

We will use the LS to help pick the sparse solution. And the algorithm we used here is called orthogonal matching pursuits, as its name suggests, we would gradually add the XjX_j, which is the column of XX to our solution if XjX_j has the smallest angle with the residue. To be more specific, there are two steps:

  1. Find the least squares solution and the residual,

    wLSk=(XIkTXIk)1XIkTy,    r(k)=yXIkwLS(k)w_{LS}^k=(X_{I_k}^TX_{I_k})^{-1}X_{I_k}^Ty,\ \ \ \ r^{(k)}=y-X_{I_k}w_{LS}^{(k)}
  2. Add the column of X to IkI_k that correlates the most with the error,

    Pick jjth column of XX, (called XjX_j), where j=argmaxjXjTr(k)Xj2r(k)2j = arg\max_{j'} \frac{|X^T_{j'}r^{(k)}|}{||X_{j'}||_2||r^{(k)}||_2}

Least Absolute Deviation

Model Definition

wLAD=argminwi=1nyif(xi;w)w_{LAD}=arg\min_w \sum_{i=1}^n|y_i-f(x_i;w)|

It is no explicit solution for LAD, but we can find one using linear programming.

Probabilistic Interpretation

If we assume the error has a Laplace distribution, which is

f(yμ,b)=12bexμbf(y|\mu, b)=\frac{1}{2b}e^{\frac{-|x-\mu|}{b}}

Then its ML solution would be LAD.