zhuzilin's Blog


计算机网络阅读笔记-- Application Layer

date: 2019-07-15
tags: network  

本文为阅读Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition)的阅读笔记,估计会比较没有条理,只是我比较喜欢在看书的时候旁边随手记两笔。既然读的是电子书,自然笔记也得是。


Web page consists of objects. An object is simply a file.


persistent connnection: use the same TCP connection

non-persistent: use separate TCP connection

HTTP non persistent



  1. HTTP client会向server http://www.someSchool.edu/的80端口发起一个TCP连接。
  2. HTTP client通过socket向server发送HTTP request。request中包含/someDepartment/home.index
  3. server通过socket处理request,并从其RAM或者disk中获取/someDepartment/home.index,把这个object包在HTTP response message中,并通过socket发回client。
  4. HTTP server告诉TCP关闭TCP connection(但是TCP实际上会在确认client收到结果的时候断掉链接。)
  5. HTTP client收到response,TCP中断。client会从repsonse message中提取出index.html。在html文件中发现了多个图片,然后重复1-5来获取图片。


HTTP persistent

如果使用non-persistent的链接,那么每次都需要一个新的链接,TCP的buffer需要重新被分配,TCP variables需要被保存。当请求数量很多时,这会给server很大的负担。而且每个object都需要2个RTT(round trip time)(一个是用来initiate TCP,另一个用来request与response),所以non-persistent会有更大的延迟。

HTTP 1.1有了persistent connections。server会在send a response之后保持TCP链接。之后同一个client和server的request和response都会用同一个TCP,直到一定时间没有用,会超时断掉。

HTTP 2基于HTTP 1.1允许multiple requests and replies to be interleaved in the same connection以及一个prioritizing HTTP message requests and replies within this connection.

HTTP Message Format

request message的例子

GET /somedir/page.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.someschool.edu
Connection: close
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0
Accept-language: fr

用ASCII写的。the last line is followed by an additional carriage return and line feed.

第一行叫request line,包含method,url和HTTP version。

后面几行叫header line。首先是Host,

You might think that this header line is unnecessary, as there is already a TCP connection in place to the host. But, as we’ll see in Section 2.2.5, the information provided by the host header line is required by Web proxy caches

Connection: close表示不需要persistent connections


Accept-language: 语言,比如user可能更喜欢object的法语版本。

http request


response message的例子

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 15:44:04 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
Last-Modified: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 15:11:03 GMT
Content-Length: 6821
Content-Type: text/html

(data data data data data ...)

仍然是3部分,status line, header lines, entity body。

status line: http版本与status code

header: Connection告诉client,server即将关闭连接,last-modified指Object被上次修改的时间。

http request

常见的status code:

  • 200 OK: 成功
  • 301 Moved Permanently: requested object has been permanently moved; the new URL in Location (in header)
  • 400 Bad Request: the request could not be understood by the server
  • 404 Not Found: the request document does not exist on this server
  • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported: the requested HTTP protocal version is not supported by the server.


HTTP server is stateless,因为stateless能允许高并发。为了计入一些状态,如authentication,HTTP从cookies。


(1) a cookie header line in the HTTP response message;

(2) a cookie header line in the HTTP request message;

(3) a cookie file kept on the user’s end system and managed by the user’s browser;

(4) a back-end database at the Web site.

第一次访问网站的时候,网站会在db中创建一条信息,并返回一个unique identification number。response中就会加一个Set-cookie:,如:

Set-cookie: 1678

brower收到cookie之后,会在一个special cookie file中加一行,记录了hostname和identification number。之后的每次访问,browser都会查看这个file,并把identification number加在request header中,如:

Cookie: 1678


不过cookie有invasion of privacy的问题。

Web Caching

web caching也被称为Proxy server,is a network entity that satisfies HTTP requests on the behalf of an origin Web server. Web cache有自己的硬盘可以保存最近的数份request objects。其主要过程是

  1. browser和web cache建立一个TCP
  2. web cache检查request中提到的object是不是已经本地存储了,如果是就返回,不然就和origin server建立TCP,origin server把object返回给web cache。
  3. web cache收到object之后,本地保存一份,并发送一份给browser。(注意用的是最开始的链接)

Typically a Web cache is purchased and installed by an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

有两个使用web caching的原因

  • can substantially reduce the response time
  • can substantially reduce traffic on an institution's access link to the Internet.

Conditional GET

HTTP有一个机制来让cache取人object是up to date的,这个就是conditional GET。

conditional GET是指web cache像web serer发送的时候会加上一行

GET /fruit/kiwi.gif HTTP/1.1
Host: www.exotiquecuisine.com
If-modified-since: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 09:23:24

然后如果没有改变,web server会返回

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 15:39:29
Server: Apache/1.3.0 (Unix)

(empty entity body)





  • client向server发送一个ClientHello消息,其中包含了TLS版本,可用的加密算法和压缩算法。
  • server向client返回一个ServerHello消息,其中包含了server的TLS版本,server选择的加密方法以及CA证书,证书中包含了公钥。客户端会用这个公钥对接下来的握手进行加密,直到协商生成一个新的对称的密钥。证书中还包含了CN(Common Name),用于客户端验证身份。
  • client根据自己信任的CA列表验证服务器证书是否可信。如果可信,那么会生成一段伪随机数,用server发来的公钥进行加密。这串随机数会被用于生成新的对称密钥。
  • server用自己的私钥解密随机数,然后用随机数生成对称主密钥。
  • client发送Finished给server,并用对称密钥加密这次通讯的一个散列值。
  • server生成自己的hash,并解密client来的hash,如果两者对应向client发送Finished,也用对称密钥加密。
  • 之后,整个TLS对话都会使用对称密钥对HTTP内容进行加密

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)


  1. Alice用其user agent给Bob的email address发邮件
  2. Alice的user agent把message发给其mail server的message queue中。
  3. client side of SMTP,跑在Alice的mail server上,看到message queue中的信息,像另一个SMTP server开启一个TCP链接。
  4. 完成SMTP handshaking之后,client把Alice的信息发给server。
  5. Bob的mail server收到信息,把信息放在mailbox中
  6. Bob查看user agent的时候会读到mail server中的mail box

SMTP是port 25。然后handshake的方式是:

  1. the SMTP client indicates the email address of the sender and the e-mail address of the recipient.
  2. the SMTP client send message.
  3. The client then repeats this process over the same TCP connection if it has other messages to send to the server; otherwise, it instructs TCP to close the connection.
S: 220 hamburger.edu
C: HELO crepes.fr
S: 250 Hello crepes.fr, pleased to meet you
C: MAIL FROM: <alice@crepes.fr>
S: 250 alice@crepes.fr ... Sender ok
C: RCPT TO: <bob@hamburger.edu>
S: 250 bob@hamburger.edu ... Recipient ok
S: 354 Enter mail, end with ”.” on a line by itself
C: Do you like ketchup?
C: How about pickles?
C: .
S: 250 Message accepted for delivery
S: 221 hamburger.edu closing connection


client有5个指令:HELO(hello), MAIL FROM,RCPT TO, DATAQUIT。这些指令的名字自己就可以解释了。可以通过

telnet serverName 25



  1. HTTP是pull protocol,也就是web server load information,client需要的时候pull。

    SMTP是push protocol,sending mail server pushes the file to receiving mail server。

  2. SMTP只能用7 bit ASCII。

Mail Message Format

这个是user agent发给mail server的还是什么别的

From: alice@crepes.fr
To: bob@hamburger.edu
Subject: Searching for the meaning of life.

(data data data)

Mail Access Protocols

Bob 怎么从mail server中读取mail呢?注意Bob不能用SMTP来获取,因为SMTP是push而不是pull。常见的协议有Post Office Protocol—Version 3 (POP3)和Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)。


POP3很简单。先在mail server的110端口创建TCP连接。当TCP连接创建,POP3有3个阶段:authorization, transaction and update。

  1. authorization: the user agent 发送用户名和密码(明文) 来进行验证
  2. transaction: agent retrieves messages and mark messages for deletion, remove deletion marks and obtain mail statistics.
  3. update: after client has issued the quit command, ending the POP3 session. At this point, the mail server deletes the messages that were marked for deletion.

mail server会返回+OK-ERR作为回应。

authorization phase:

telnet mailServer 110
+OK POP3 server ready
user bob
pass hungry
+OK user successfully logged on

transaction phase:

C: list
S: 1 498
S: 2 912
S: .
C: retr 1
S: (blah blah ...
S: .................
S: ..........blah)
S: .
C: dele 1
C: retr 2
S: (blah blah ...
S: .................
S: ..........blah)
S: .
C: dele 2
C: quit
S: +OK POP3 server signing off

list, retr, delequit这样的指令。



An IMAP server will associate each message with a folder; when a message first arrives at the server, it is associated with the recipient’s INBOX folder. The recipient can then move the message into a new, user-created folder, read the message, delete the message, and so on.

The IMAP protocol provides commands to allow users to create folders and move messages from one folder to another

Another important feature of IMAP is that it has commands that permit a user agent to obtain components of messages. 可以只获取header。

Web-Based E-mail


DNS (Domain Name System)

用于把hostname转化为IP address。具体步骤如下:

  1. the same user machine runs the client side of the DNS application
  2. brower从URL中提取出hostname,比如www.someschool.edu并把hostname传给DNS的client side。
  3. DNS client给DNS server发送一个包含hostname的query。
  4. DNS最终会收到一个回复,包含了IP
  5. browser收到IP地址之后,就可以用IP address来和server确立TCP连接了。

虽然DNS会导致延迟,但是幸运的是,需要的IP往往就在很近的DNS server上,所以就相对减少了平均延迟。


  • Host aliasing: 一个有着复杂hostname的host可以又多了alias。
  • Mail server alias:邮箱的地址最好能比较好记,所以DNS可以由mail applicatioin出发以获得canonical hostname fo ra supplied alias hostname as well as the IP address of the host.
  • Load distribution:在重复的servers中进行load distribution。

如果只有一个DNS server的话,会出现如下的问题:

  • A single point of failure: 如果DNS crashes,整个internet crash
  • Traffic volume
  • Distant centralized database: qurries可能需要横渡重洋
  • Maintenance: 会updated frequently to account for every new host


  • root DNS servers: 世界上有400个root name server。中国只有不到10个。
  • top-level domain (TLD) servers: 为每个top-level domains,如com, org, net, edu, gov,或者是country TLD, uk, cn, fr, ca.
  • authoritative DNS server: Every organization with publicly accessible hosts (such as Web servers and mail servers) on the Internet must provide publicly accessible DNS records that map the names of those hosts to IP addresses.

还有一种重要的DNS server,是local DNS server。它不属于hierarchy of servers,然而是DNS的核心部分。每个ISP都有一个local DNS server,这里之后咋用的懒得记了...

local DNS server

DNS caching

当一个DNS server收到一个DNS reply的时候,它会把这个mapping cache到本地存储中。



DNS Records and Messages

resource record

一个DNS的resource record是这样的:

(Name, Value, Type, TTL)


  • type=A, Name就是hostname, Value是IP address。所以一个type A record提供了标准的hostname-to-IP address mapping。

    (relay1.bar.foo.com,, A)是一个type A record。

  • type=NS, Name是domain,如foo.comValue是知道如何获取domain中的host IP的authoritative DNS server的hostname。

    (foo.com, dns.foo.com, NS)是一个type NS record。

  • If type=MX , then Value is the canonical name of a mail server that has an alias hostname Name . As an example, (foo.com, mail.bar.foo.com, MX)is an MX record.

DNS Messages


P2P File Distribution

上述的应用都采用的是client server模型。P2P不同,其只有极少甚至不依赖于always-on infra servers。在这部分,我们只考虑一个最简单的p2p模型,从一个server向其他的server传输一个大文件。


BitTorrent是一个流行的文件分发用p2p protocol。在BitTorrent中,所有参与分发同一个文件的peers被称为一个torrent。Peers相互下载同等大小的文件chunk,chunk的常见大小是256KB。当一个peer加入一个torrent的时候,其没有chunk,一段时间之后,它就会积累越来越多的chunk。在下载的同时,它也会上传chunks给其他peer。当一个peer下载完毕,其要不可以自私地离开,哟阿布可以继续upload chunk以进行分享。而且一个peer可以在中途离开,并之后继续。


每个torrent都会有一个tracker。当一个peer加入torrent,它会被注册入tracker,而tracker也会定期询问以检测这个peer是否还在torrent中。这样,tracker就可以跟踪所有peer地状态了。当一个peer加入之后,tracker会随机选一些peer给这个新人(比如说50个,他们被称为neighboring peers),也就是把他们地IP地址发给它。而这个新的peer会尝试与这50个建立concurrent TCP connections。在之后的任意时间,每个peer都会有一些chunks,新人会周期性地通过TCP询问它地所有neighbor peers(就是那50个,也有可能有增减,因为有新人加入,有老人离开)它们有 哪些chunks,通过这些list,它可以寻求自己不拥有的chunk。

在决定要像neighbor要哪一个chunk的时候,会采用rarest first这样一个决策,也就是在它没有的chunk中,先要在所有neighbor中出现比率最小的,以平衡不同chunk的数量。

决定了要哪一个neighbor之后,就要决定从具体哪一个neighbor获取chunk了。这次我们换个角度,考虑每个peer要向哪些neighborupload。最基本的方式是要选当前给她数据的neighbor中传输效率最高的。这个peer会持续测量所有接受的传输速度,并选择速度最快的四个。之后他会向这4个传chunk。每10秒,会重新计算一下传输效率并更新这4个的名单。每30秒会随机选择一个额外的neighbor,并向其传chunk,因为他像这个新neighbor传chunk,所以可能会成为这个新neighbor的top four uploader,那样的的话新neighbor就会像他传数据了。如果这个新neighbor的传输速度足够高,那么就会成为这个peer的前四uploader。这样就让相互适合的peer更容易相互找到。换句话理解,一个peer只会上传给能快速给他upload的neighbor。


Video Streaming and Content Distribution Networks


HTTP Streaming and DASH

对于HTTP steaming来说,视频就是一个文件。client和server建立TCP链接,通过GET获取。在用户端会有一个buffer,当buffer中的缓存大于阈值就开始播放——视频播放软件从buffer中获取frame,解压并播放。

虽然HTTP streaming的应用很广泛,但是其问题在于,所有客户都在使用相同的encoding。这样视频无法适应用户的带宽。就此原因,产生了一种新的基于HTTP的streaming,称为Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)。DASH中,所有的视频都被编码成不同的版本,每个版本对应不同的rate,对应着不同的清晰度。client每次动态获取一小段视频(几秒),server随着带宽返回视频。DASH的server中会有一个manifest文件,里面对应了不同带宽的视频文件的URL。client会先去获取manifest,每次选取一个视频版本,并对每个chunk加入一个byte range。下载的时候会衡量当前的下载速度以及buffer中的剩余量。

Content Distribution Networks



  • 因为跨大洲的传输需要经过太多ISP,所以一旦某一个很卡,视频就会很卡。
  • 一个受欢迎的视频可能会经过同样的传输路线被传送很多遍,这样很浪费。
  • single point of failure,数据中心坏了就完蛋。


A CDN manages servers in multiple geographically distributed locations, stores copies of the videos (and other types of Web content, including documents, images, and audio) in its servers, and attempts to direct each user request to a CDN location that will provide the best user experience


  • Enter Deep:

    One philosophy, pioneered by Akamai, is to enter deep into the access networks of Internet Service Providers, by deploying server clusters in access ISPs all over the world. (Access networks are described in Section 1.3.) Akamai takes this approach with clusters in approximately 1,700 locations. The goal is to get close to end users, thereby improving user-perceived delay and throughput by decreasing the number of links and routers between the end user and the CDN server from which it receives content. Because of this highly distributed design, the task of maintaining and managing the clusters becomes challenging.

  • Bring Home:

    A second design philosophy, taken by Limelight and many other CDN companies, is to bring the ISPs home by building large clusters at a smaller number (for example, tens) of sites. Instead of getting inside the access ISPs, these CDNs typically place their clusters in Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) (see Section 1.3). Compared with the enter-deep design philosophy, the bring-home design typically results in lower maintenance and management overhead, possibly at the expense of higher delay and lower throughput to end users.

Once its clusters are in place, the CDN replicates content across its clusters. The CDN may not want to place a copy of every video in each cluster, since some videos are rarely viewed or are only popular in some countries. In fact, many CDNs do not push videos to their clusters but instead use a simple pull strategy: If a client requests a video from a cluster that is not storing the video, then the cluster retrieves the video (from a central repository or from another cluster) and stores a copy locally while streaming the video to the client at the same time. Similar Web caching (see Section 2.2.5), when a cluster’s storage becomes full, it removes videos that are not frequently requested

CDN Operation


CDN Selection Strategies

简单的方法是geographically closest。这种方法不一定能找到最好的,因为最然地理近,但是有可能网络连接的node多。

更好的是进行周期性的测量,CDN测量所有的LDNS的delay和loss,但是问题是很多local DNS不接受这种probe。